
Följ arbetet under tiden i Indien under december 2013-maj 2014

In our hearts and in our hands

Publicerad 2013-10-29 20:52:00 i Allmänt,

You can listen to this link while listening. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T1HODe7lqY :)
 Lately, I've been thinking a lot about love; what it is and what it does to us. This spring, I realized, love brings down the walls within. Every part within, that is opened up to receive and to give out love, will become alive. Also the rooms in us that are closed cannot see the light until we make a choise to uncover our weaknesses and the some Sun(Son)shine in.
Since there's is so much in my life that are is mostly out of our hands; we might as well do something good with the things that are actually in our hands. The smallest things can seem meaningful to people. A phone call, a note, a text message, sharing some of your chewing gum, holding up a door. There are plenty of simple ways. Which way is yours?


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Bor: I min lägenhet i Södertälje Ålder: 25 år Gör: Arbetar som legitimerad sjuksköterska, just nu vid Södertälje sjukhus Tycker om: matlagning, att resa, att umgås med människor, och sist men inte minst tycker jag mycket om mitt arbete. Varför har jag öppnat denna blogg?: För att Du ska kunna följa med i arbetet för att ge basal omvårdnad till barnen som går i en skola i slummen av Dehradun, i norra Indien. Jag kommer själv att åka dit och vara en del av detta arbete fr.o.m. december 2013 tom. juni 2014.



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